Monday, 23 May 2016

Exercise 1: Ingest and query relational data

Exercise 1: Ingest and query relational data
In this scenario, DataCo's business question is: What products do our customers like to buy? To answer this question, the first thought might be to look at the transaction data, which should indicate what customers actually do buy and like to buy, right?
This is probably something you can do in your regular RDBMS environment, but a benefit of Apache Hadoop is that you can do it at greater scale at lower cost, on the same system that you may also use for many other types of analysis.
What this exercise demonstrates is how to do exactly the same thing you already know how to do, but in CDH. Seamless integration is important when evaluating any new infrastructure. Hence, it's important to be able to do what you normally do, and not break any regular BI reports or workloads over the dataset you plan to migrate.

To analyze the transaction data in the new platform, we need to ingest it into the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). We need to find a tool that easily transfers structured data from a RDBMS to HDFS, while preserving structure. That enables us to query the data, but not interfere with or break any regular workload on it.
Apache Sqoop, which is part of CDH, is that tool. The nice thing about Sqoop is that we can automatically load our relational data from MySQL into HDFS, while preserving the structure. With a few additional configuration parameters, we can take this one step further and load this relational data directly into a form ready to be queried by Apache Impala (incubating), the MPP analytic database included with CDH, and other workloads.
You should first log in to the Master Node of your cluster via a terminal. Then, launch the Sqoop job:
> sqoop import-all-tables \
    -m {{cluster_data.worker_node_hostname.length}} \
    --connect jdbc:mysql://{{cluster_data.manager_node_hostname}}:3306/retail_db \
    --username=retail_dba \
    --password=cloudera \
    --compression-codec=snappy \
    --as-parquetfile \
    --warehouse-dir=/user/hive/warehouse \
This command may take a while to complete, but it is doing a lot. It is launching MapReduce jobs to pull the data from our MySQL database and write the data to HDFS in parallel, distributed across the cluster in Apache Parquet format. It is also creating tables to represent the HDFS files in Impala/Apache Hive with matching schema.
Parquet is a format designed for analytical applications on Hadoop. Instead of grouping your data into rows like typical data formats, it groups your data into columns. This is ideal for many analytical queries where instead of retrieving data from specific records, you're analyzing relationships between specific variables across many records. Parquet is designed to optimize data storage and retrieval in these scenarios.


When this command is complete, confirm that your data files exist in HDFS.
> hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/
> hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/categories/
These commands will show the directories and the files inside them that make up your tables:


  1. how do i know if retail_db is installed in my CDH?

  2. open cmd
    > mysql -u root -p
    > connects and showing prompt
    For create mysql DB with script file
    Open cmd
    >mysql -u root -p > mysqlretail_db.sql

  3. Where do I find the file (mysqlretail_db.sql)?

  4. You need to create file with .sql and provide.
